Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Digital Agenda: 08/14/14 & 08/15/14

Common Core Standards/Clusters/Standards
  • CCSS RST 9.3. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks, attending to special cases or exceptions defined in the text.
  • PE HS1.3.1 Accept personal responsibility to create and maintain a physically and emotionally safe and non-threatening environment for physical activity.
  • PE HS1.3.2 Act independently of negative peer pressure during physical activity
Today’s Learning Objective(s):  (student friendly)
  • SW learn both the Adventure Race and Game Day routines
Lesson Activities + (time frame)

  1. Fitness ASAP [10 min]
  2. Adventure Race Routine [30 min] - each team completes a series of challenges while racing against a clock or other teams.
    1. Cooperation is critical because your team must work together to complete the race.
    2. Competition makes the race authentic and tests your ability to complete tasks under pressure
    3. Assign each team a number 1-4 & explain Adventure Race Instructions
    4. Present Adventure Creed:
      1. “Out Lead” – Cooperation and communication are keys to leadership.
      2. “Out Last” – Give 100%. Work to accomplish more than you think you can.
      3. “Out Laugh” – Have fun. Enjoy the process and encourage your teammates
  3. Debrief Cooperation & Competition [10 min]
    1. Signal for students to come to board. Use a 10 second count-down, acknowledge students who follow directions.
  4. Game Day Routine [30 min] - use 1 of 2 tournament formats (Success/Try Again and Royal Court) and practice game and tactics.
    1. Fair Play is a way of behaving to treating others with honesty and respect
    2. Responsibility demonstrates to others that you are trustworthy and reliable
    3. Ultimate - 4 games with Success/Try Again format and 4 games with Royal Court
  5. Debrief Fair Play & Responsibility [10 min]
    1. Signal for students to come to board. Use a 10 second count-down, acknowledge students who follow directions.
    2. Refer to Fair Play and Responsibility Cards and complete Character Matters Debrief as in previous lesson.
  6. Think About…
    1. Review what was learned.
    2. What routines were covered?

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