Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Digital Agenda: 08/20/14

Common Core Standards/Clusters/Standards
  • PE HS1.1.3 Identify, explain, and apply the skill-related components of balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, explosive power, and speed that enhance performance levels in aquatic, rhythms/dance, and individual and dual activities.
  • CCSS SL 1.c Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions.
Today’s Learning Objective(s):  (student friendly)
  • Name and describe the 5 parts of health-related physical fitness.
  • Name and describe the 6 parts of skill-related physical fitness.
  • Explain how to use the Stairway to Lifetime Fitness.
  • Define: Agility, Balance, Body fatness, cardiovascular fitness, coordination, flexibility, health-related physical fitness, hypokinetic conditions, muscular endurance, power, reaction time, skill-related physical fitness, speed, strength
Lesson Activities + (time frame)

  1. Collect Homework [5 min]
  2. Presentation (slide)
  3. Cornell Notes (handout)
  4. Discussion: Taking Charge: Learning to Self Assess - Discuss a plan of self-assessment

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