Sunday, September 7, 2014

Daily Agenda: Mon, 9/8/14

Common Core Standards/Clusters/Standards
PE HS1.1.3 Identify, explain, and apply the skill-related components of balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, explosive power, and speed
Today’s Learning Objective(s):  (student friendly)
Review ‘Fitness & Wellness for All” material
Review ‘Wellness Walking Unit’
Lesson Activities + (time frame)
  • Enter one of the following codes:
    • Period 1 - nyxusqw
    • Period 3 - ez7ean
    • Period 5 - 9v9bh7n
  • Notes Check (30 minutes) You are going to go through your notes and make sure that your notes are complete. First check Notes 1.1, then Notes 1.2
Planned Checks for Understanding
  • Built into the Kahoot Game (Quiz format)

  • Kahoot Game

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