Thursday, September 4, 2014

Digital Agenda: 9/4/14 & 9/5/14

Common Core Standards/Clusters/Standards
  • PE HS1.2.5 Improve and maintain physical fitness by adjusting physical activity levels according to the principles of exercise.
  • PE HS1.2.2 Participate in enjoyable and challenging physical activities that develop and maintain the five components of physical fitness.
  • PE HS1.2.3 Meet health-related physical fitness standards established by a scientifically based health-related fitness assessment.
  • PE HS1.2.4 Use physical fitness test results to set and adjust goals to improve fitness.

Learning Objective(s):  
  • Improve and maintain physical fitness
  • Meet health-related physical fitness standards
  • Use physical fitness test results to set and adjust goals to improve fitness.
Lesson Activities + (time frame)
  • Fitness ASAP
  • Wellness Walking Personal Best (Post)
  • Wellness Walking Unit Test
  • Self-Assessment: Strength & Endurance
  • Wellness Walking Personal Best (Post)
  • Wellness Walking Unit Test

Whole Group Direction Instruction

  • Fitness ASAP (Warm-up activity) - Choose which station you are going to do for your warm up today. Remember to do each exercise for the entire time. You may take rests, but try to work more than you rest.
  • Personal Best Assessment (Post): Wellness Walking - Today you will do a 12-minute run. This is your post assessment. Remember to run around all the cones. Try to beat your previous score, and achieve your goal that you set at the beginning of the unit.


Small Group Direct (Teacher-Facilitated)

  • You are going to be taking the Wellness Walking Unit Test. Remember to answer the questions as best as you can. This is not a collaborative test (no helping each other). If you don't know an answer make an educated choice. Remember to eliminate the obvious wrong answers to give yourself a better chance of getting the answer correct.
  • Click on the link to be taken to the test when you are ready to begin. Wellness Walking Unit Test
  • When you complete the test move on to the Collaborative work.


  • You are going to be performing a self-assessment on strength and endurance. Click on the link to be taken to the website were your directions are given. (Website)

Whole Group Conclusion

  • Come back together
  • Closing Dialouge

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