Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Digital Agenda: 9/3/14

Common Core Standards/Clusters/Standards
  • PE HS1.2.9 Explain the inherent risks associated with physical activity in extreme environments.
  • CCSS RST9.
Today’s Learning Objective(s): (student friendly)
  • After this lesson, you should be able to
    • Explain how to prepare yourself for physical activity.
    • Explain how the environment affects physical activity
    • Describe some steps for dressing for physical activity in normal environments.
    • Define: heat index, humidity, hyperthermia, hypothermia, PAR-Q, windchill factor
Lesson Activities + (time frame)
  1. Fitness for Life 2.1 (slide) + Cornell Notes
Exit Slip (Kahoot!) http://goo.gl/DvsxYl

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