Sunday, September 28, 2014

Digital Agenda: Monday 09/29/14 & Tuesday 09/30/14

Common Core Standards/Clusters/Standards
  • PE HS1.1.9 Create or modify practice/training plans based on evaluative feedback of skill acquisition and performance.
  • PE HS1.2.3 Meet health-related physical fitness standards established by a scientifically based health-related fitness assessment.
  • PE HS1.2.4 Use physical fitness test results to set and adjust goals to improve fitness.
  • PE HS1.2.5 Improve and maintain physical fitness by adjusting physical activity levels according to the principles of exercise.
Today’s Learning Objective(s):  (student friendly)
  • Re-Assessments of tasks.
    • Personal Best
      • Self-Assess Fitness levels in several areas of health-related fitness
      • Set personal fitness goals for several areas of health-related fitness
    • Test
      • Complete Safety & Smart Physical Activity Test with a score of 8 or better.
  • Participate in Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity
Lesson Activities + (time frame)

  1. Do Now
  2. Station (students that need to re-assess in either (a) or (b) will do so, those that do not get to participate in (c)
    1. Personal Best Re-Assessments (Google Classroom)
      1. Curl-ups
      2. Push-ups
      3. Sit-&-Reach (left & right sides)
      4. PACER
      5. Body Composition (Height, Weight, Body Fat)
    2. Test
      1. Review for the Safety & Smart Physical Activity Test (FFL-2) using Quizlet
        1. 2.1 (
        2. 2.2 (
      2. Safety & Smart Physical Activity Test
    3. Independent Fitness Exercise

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