Thursday, December 4, 2014

Digital Agenda: Thursday, 04 December 2014

Common Core Standards/Clusters/Standards
PE HS1.1.1 Combine and apply movement patterns, simple to complex, in...individual...activities.
PE HS1.2.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least four days each week.

Today’s Learning Objective(s):  (student friendly)
  • Research yoga poses using the internet, yoga deck, or the yoga content card.
  • Create a yoga routine
  • Apply movement patterns, simple to complex, in yoga
Lesson Activities + (time frame)
  • Do Now 18.3 / Change (5 min, each group)
    • Open your iPad. Find the Self Service App.
    • Check to make sure that Google Sheets has been installed. If it is not, then be sure to do so.
  • Standards and Objectives overview (5 min, whole class)
    • Have a student(s) read the standards and objectives aloud (volunteers).
  • Creating a Yoga Routine (90 min, individual or pairs)
    • You have learned a lot about yoga during this unit. Today you (or your team) will create a yoga salutation routine with the goal of improving strength and flexibility.
    • Your routine must last for 6-14 minutes, and include 3 sections: warm-up, main, and cool down with a minimum of 12-18 different poses.
    • After creating your routine, practice it until you have it memorized so you will be able to teach it well.
    • Things to Think About
      • How did you decide which poses to include?
      • Do the poses flow from one to another?
      • What will you do to be a good leader when teaching your routine?
  • Go to Google Classroom
    • Here you will find a template that you will use to turn in your routine.
  • Exit Ticket 18.3 / Change (5 min for each group)

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