Thursday, January 22, 2015

Digital Agenda: Friday, 23 January 2015

Common Core Standards:
HS1.1.2 Demonstrate proficient movement skills in rhythms/dance activities.

Learning Objectives:
What levels of cognition must students acquire to master the above CCSS standard?
  1. Identify current level of proficiency in dances (DOK1)
  2. Recognize how dance counts work with steps (DOK 1)
  3. Perform basic dance steps on count (DOK 2)
    1. Grapevine
    2. Grapevine turn
    3. Kick-Step
    4. Twist down and up
    5. Kick-ball change
    6. Jazz square
  4. Perform basic hip hop dance steps on count (DOK 2)
    1. The J Turn
    2. Heel Tap
    3. Hop and Slide
    4. Cowboy
    5. Jump Start
    6. Heel Toe Slide
    7. Heartbeat
    8. Scuff Jump
    9. Body Box
    10. Swoop and Chug
    11. Basic Stall

Lesson Activities w/Time Frames):
  • Do Now/Change [10 min]
    • Copy and paste your Google Classroom code below
      • Period 2 - qxo7tb0
      • Period 4 - k1n27a
      • Period 6 - q9eb38
    • Go to:
      • Find the assignment due today titled "You got in" and mark the assignment as done. Help others in class if you finish.
  • The objective today is to evaluate your current skill level and set personal goals for our Dance Unit. We'll do this by learning and teaching basic Hip Hop moves with a Learning Jigsaw. After you complete the Jigsaw, you will answer the questions in your Dance Personal Best Assessment. Record your score and set a goal. Add your scores and give yourself a personal rating.
  • Fitness ASAP [10 min]
    • Choose from the eight Fitness ASAPs that have been created or create one of you own. Remember, all ASAPs must follow the correct order: Aerobic, Flexibility, Muscular.
  • Hip Hop Jigsaw [60 min]
    • Today you’ll use the Jigsaw method for learning basic Hip Hop moves. Each of you will join 1 of 5 separate learning groups (Decide which learning group each of you will join.)
    • Join your selected learning group at the corresponding station. Use the Hip Hop Jigsaw Card to learn the moves described.
    • After learning the information, rejoin your team to jigsaw teach your moves.
  • Closing Questions (Think-Pair-Share) [5 min]
    • What types of Hip Hop dancing have you seen?
    • The Hip Hop moves that we learned today are appropriate for school. Why is it important to demonstrate appropriate behaviors?
  • Exit Ticket 22.3/Change [15 min]
    • Go back to Google Classroom
    • Find the assignment titled, "Dance Personal Best Assessment"
    • Click on the assignment and complete it for your exit ticket. Don't forget to turn it in.

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