Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Winter Break Fitness Challenge Day 23

Welcome to the PE with Mr. T Winter Break Fitness Challenge. This is the last day of the the challenge. Each day there was a challenge that you can do to challenge yourself throughout the winter break. The challenges included home cardio workouts, strength and core focused routines and several challenges for everyone in your family.

Take a photo or video yourself and post it to instagram and/or Twitter with #bhsfitnesschallenge so I can see it. You can also tag me on instagram or Twitter @pewithmrt. Good luck!

Winter Break Fitness Challenge Day 23
Today's challenge will be a little different. Being the last day before returning to school I challenge you to do several things. 

First, walk, jog, or run 10,000+ steps. 
Second, do 100 push ups before the day is over. 
Third, do a plank for a total of 10 minutes before the day is over, and holding for a minimum of 30 seconds for each set, one minute or longer if you're looking to challenge yourself. 
Finally, complete 60 minutes of physical activity outside of the challenges above. 

Good luck and see you all at school tomorrow at our new location.

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